The Protection of Personal Information Act No. 4 of 2013 (POPI) became effective 1 July 2021.
The purpose of the Act is that of protecting personal data of all persons and specifies the basis upon which institutions should collect, safeguard, process, store, share and manage this information.
At the Algoa Bus Company, we are committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information which we process and ensuring transparency in regard to the basis upon which collected data is handled.
Notification of the details as to how we process this personal information is available on the link referred to below.
Click Here To DownloadThis notification includes the following:
Additional information may be secured by contacting us at the addresses provided below.
We encourage you to read these documents in order to secure the appropriate insight into the measures applied by the Algoa Bus Company in relation to the processing of personal information.
We also confirm that we have allocated the necessary resources to ensuring that appropriate effect is given to the protection and safety of personal data which we treat with the utmost care and security.
HR Manager